Ten Minutes a Day Keeps the &*%$# Away! 10 minutes a day advice & strategies mental fitness mindfulness practice quiet time the 5 c's

Quiet time.  I used to fear the expanse of nothingness.  I didn’t want to be alone with myself and my thoughts.  Then there was the belief  that doing nothing was equivalent to being lazy and no one needs another negative label.  I may not know everything but I do know that I am not lazy.

 I love being productive.  I love getting caught up in the moment.  I also know my tendency is to overproduce is strong and I work too much.  In order for me to have a consistent practice, scheduling my "ME TIME" is a must, or at least until it is cemented into my daily routine.
My favorite spot in on my bedroom patio, first thing in the morning.  When I close my eyes I hear things like the laughter of children in the playground.  It reminds me of how it feels to be innocent and purely joyful.
I hear a distant train whistle, reminding me of my hometown, and the whistle of the wind through the dry tree tops.
I hear the birds, at least four different types of chirps, and I marvel at the freedom of their movement from branch to waterbath and feeder and back, and the diversity of their size and shape.  I don’t ever want to live in a place where I don’t have birds surrounding me.
I smell my neighbors dryer sheets and it’s delightfully floral and crisp.  (Clean sheets are one of my favorite things.) My thoughts roll to my own laundry -- which can wait.  Back to my senses.
I see a car parked in the open spot and it's been there all night!  Let it go, Cara, or should I say Gladys Kravitz?  Let it go. Back to my senses.
I love the warmth of my mug in my hands however the coffee is too hot to sip.  I smile at the red lips on my mug; so fabulously me!
Scanning my body for information, does anything require attention?  How do I feel?  All is well, especially comfy in these cute cotton pajamas.
 My plants bring me pleasure.   A symphony of lime buds will hopefully mature into juicy fruit.  The variegated abutilon blossoms look like party dresses airing in the sun; a favorite of the hummingbirds. 
I don’t need to plan the rest of the day or think about the week ahead—  it all can wait while I sit with this one cup.  Most importantly I don’t need to know HOW or WHEN or WHY.  I savor every aspect of this ten minute sensory experience.
 My snippet of solitude helps me remember that I am part of larger  universe.  I am a good woman, mother and friend.  I am lovable and passionate.   I make good decisions.  Mistakes are not fatal. Creativity is in my blood.  Everything is in divine order.  I am forever grateful for my life.   I am ready for the day.
I don't think I ever appreciated how quickly my body could calm itself until I started to study Mental Fitness.  A simple 2 minute...
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My Gift to You, Girlfriends advice & strategies destress free gift from me to you guided meditation mindset matters quiet time relaxation selfcare

Knowing that your often put yourself last and

that this time of year is especially stressful,

…..this is one of the best gifts you can give yourself……

I am gifting you with a simple self-guided meditation recorded by myself along with pianist Daniel Roberts. Go here to get your 12-minute Relaxation Meditation.

As little as 90 seconds of slow breathing benefits you both physically and mentally so a 12 minute investment will deliver you to a place of heavenly bliss! Stay healthy and enjoy the holiday season!

From the heart,


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