You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

cancer emotions & emotional inventory friendship god box relationships & communication

I am having a hard time understanding why bad things happen to good people.  A friend of mine, I’ll call her S., had cancer four years ago but luckily they caught it early and she survived.  At that time, she was in the middle of the adoption process.  Not only did she survive the rigors of surgery and chemotherapy, she was the happiest bald headed woman I ever met.  Her faith, family, friends and positive attitude prevailed over all doubt.

A few weeks ago S. told me that it was very likely that she had a different type of cancer, although discovered early, it is on her liver.  What really makes me furious with the Universe is that she just completed the adoption process for two little boys.  And if I could be any madder, had S. not challenged her doctor for further testing after a questionable lab result, the cancer would have progressed undetected.

So if we are exactly where we need to be, what could possibly be the benefit of battling yet another cancer? 

With this situation on my mind, I am hypersensitive to people who do not appreciate all that they have in their lives.  For instance, I heard a story about a woman who received a promotion and bonus but was complaining that the promotion should have been up two levels instead of one.  OMG.  Once you start wishing things were different, it tells me that you have not paused to appreciate where you are and what you have received.

Are you waiting for something or someone before you consider yourself happy or complete?  Hello, this is your wake up call.  You cannot wait to live your life for any reason.    I guess if you are OK settling for less than fine but come on, put on your big girl panties and live out loud.

I too wish for things to be different.

  • I wish for my friends and family to be free of suffering.
  • I wish that I be given guidance to make good decisions.
  • I wish that we all learn to love who we are as unique individuals.

The rest is up to you. 

I have a box that I slip my notes and prayers into that I call my “God box”.  I love the process of writing something down (makes it real) and then turning it over to the Universe (lifts it from my heart and mind).  I recently pulled out a few slips of paper to see what they said.  One was wishing a friend find a way to move to California.  Update:  she did 13 months later.  Another note was I wanted help finding a job where I was able to work in a respectful and creative environment.  Update:  I did one month later.

There is power in prayer so I ask that you join me in praying that S. receives the best possible care and outcome.

Finally, I want S. to know that she is the most courageous person I know and her example of moving forward with a positive attitude inspires me.  I am so fortunate to have her in my life.

From the (somewhat broken) heart,
